Really enjoy this, Clay. I’m a white person who (sometimes!) writes about race, and I’ve often found if it’s done from a place of genuine acknowledgement, compassion, curiosity and humility, as well as a keen eye for underlying structures and the systems they prop up, any smart and decent white person can write about race.
I also find if white people are unsure how things are going to land, pressure-testing their verbiage (succinctly and without imposing too great a burden) with a focus group of the marginalized groups they’re talking about is a good way to ensure they get closer to the heart of where they’d like to take their theses.
Your tips are here are a fantastic FAQ/troubleshooter for my people, and I hope they inspire at least one more thoughtful white person (if not many more!) to take up the cause and opine intelligently and empathetically. Cheers. And thanks again.